My Story

I am a former tech headhunter turned full stack software developer based in Manchester.
My journey began by chance, when I explored the idea of learning a new language in the hope that it would open new doors for me. I looked at Russian and Arabic, before stumbling across programming languages.

From the moment I typed my first line of code:

code icon

I was hooked.

As I began to teach myself code, an entire new world opened up to me.

I knew this is what I wanted to do, and so the dye was cast, and all my days from then were dedicated to becoming a developer.

After a few months I enrolled in Northcoders and graduated January 2021.

With much effort and much rejection, in the midst of a third lockdown and a month after graudation I landed my first role as a Data Engineer.

Why Code?

Why Code? I love coding for the same reason I love writing or cooking. Because its mine. I wrote and I made it. It doesn’t matter how good or bad it may be. I know what went into it and can be proud of it. Its the act of writing and creating. Bringing thoughts and ideas into reality.

I love to code as it allows me to be both methodical and creative, It has been hard at times, but it the most rewarding adventure I have ever embarked upon. It teaches me to think and plan on a granular level and build things that I never thought was possible!

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